
Here’s what people are saying about

North Florida Clinical Hypnotherapy:

To ensure the confidentiality of clients, initials or first names are used:

“This place saved me. I suffered for years with anxiety in all forms. Low self-esteem, bad life choices, poor relationships etc. etc. Enter Cassandra. After the intake session, I was already feeling more hopeful than I had felt for years. After I started doing my programming session, I was really feeling better. My follow-up sessions were reports of continued feelings of hopefulness. Today, I can say I feel better than I have felt in years. I never knew the sub-conscious mind could have such an affect on daily life. I am so grateful I found North Florida Clinical Hypnotherapy. To anyone wanting change- this is the place to be. You won’t regret it!” A.P.- Tallahassee, FL 

“I decided to try clinical hypnosis after many years of failed attempts to overcome binge eating.  And for the first time, I feel I’ve tackled the root of the problem, which has helped me change on a deeper level. I cannot thank you enough Cassandra!” -N.T. Tallahassee, FL

“I have struggled with test anxiety for as long as I could remember. I set a goal to pass all four sections of the CPA exam by the end of the year; by September, I had only passed one section, found out I had failed another, and felt completely hopeless. My mentor and colleague suggested hypnotherapy and, originally, I was skeptical…until I worked with Cassandra. Our initial phone consultation was goal-focused from the start. Cassandra was attentive, caring, and genuinely concerned with helping me overcome my test anxiety. I looked forward to my daily sessions and they made all the difference. I passed the remaining three sections in 2.5 months and met my goal! I couldn’t have done it without Cassandra’s support and I am truly grateful for her compassion.” – L.F. Tallahassee, FL

“I have been using hypnosis to achieve goals for many years and Cassandra has delivered two of the most effective recordings that I have ever used.  Her education and comprehension in the field of psychology, coupled with her experience working with thousands of clients, allows her to create very effective therapies for any goal or issue.  I highly recommend speaking with Cassandra to see how she can help you achieve or overcome any experience.” – Edward R. Tallahassee, FL 

“Cassandra made me a session for my fear of flying and for the first time, I was able to fly to Europe without having a panic attack. This works. I don’t know how, but it does.”  – Liz M. Tallahassee, FL

“I struggled with fear, lack of confidence, and self-sabotage for years. It always kept me from being my best and pursuing the life that I want to live. When I decided to build a successful business I realized that something had to change. Enter Cassandra. I found North Florida Clinical Hypnotherapy from a Google search. I was not familiar with hypnotherapy and was unsure of what to expect but after reading the testimonials I was certain that I needed to contact Cassandra. That was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Cassandra is a true professional. While we worked via Skype, it felt like she was sitting in the room with me. She explained the process thoroughly, answered my questions, and was kind. We had a great conversation and she asked questions so that she could better understand my situation. She completely tailored the session for me. My faith is an important part of my life and she wove it seamlessly into the hypnotherapy which was recorded and sent to me within minutes of our finishing the first session. I still listen to it as my daily meditation. During our subsequent sessions, Cassandra gave me additional tools to use. I cannot begin to describe the effect it has had not only in my professional career but in my personal life. Old wounds and traumas no longer have a hold on me. Miraculous.”  

I have lost 68 lbs since starting this program last winter. I can honestly say, it has been easy. I don’t feel the need to overeat anymore. Cassandra has helped me to understand that I am valuable as a person and that is an even greater gift than the weight loss. I am so much happier and healthier. This has been the answer to my prayers. 

R. Williams- Valdosta, GA

I am so happy with my progress. I have suffered from social anxiety since I was a small child. I have tried everything. Within a few weeks of starting sessions with Cassandra, I started noticing a huge difference in how I was feeling. I am now able to interact with others and be in large groups without feeling the sense of panic I used to feel. I still have a ways to go, but I am hopeful that I will have a full recovery. Hypnotherapy has helped me so much and given me hope when I felt there was none. 

Candace M. Jacksonville, FL

Hypnotherapy has proven to be more empowering, inspiring, healing and effective that I could have ever anticipated. Cassandra’s calming demeanor and intuition provide a safe, open environment to fully experience true healing sessions. The clarity and mission-driven purpose of my life are supercharged following a session and I could not be more grateful to have such a valuable resource. 

EA- Tallahassee, FL

I was dealing with self-confidence issues. I went to Cassandra after hearing her ad on the radio. At first, I was skeptical as to whether or not hypnotherapy would actually work for me but, it only took one session for me to notice an improvement in my behavior. Today, after completing the remainder of my sessions, I feel like a brand new person with unlimited potential. I no longer question my abilities or doubt myself in social interactions with others. I feel like I can take on any challenge without being afraid of failure. Cassandra did not just provide me with a temporary fix for my problem, she gave me the tools I need to improve my life and grow as a person. I strongly recommend that anyone considering hypnotherapy go for it! I am glad I did and I am positive that it can help others too!

CM- Tallahassee, FL

After years of sleep issues, I can honestly say that I am finally able to sleep through the night. I suffered from chronic insomnia for the last 10 years after the death of my husband and Cassandra helped me work through the deeply seeded issues of loss and trauma that were keeping me awake. I am feeling better than ever and feel like I have my life back. Hypnotherapy really helped me. 

Janice W. – Tallahassee, FL

Thanks to you I’ve been able to lose the weight I wanted to and your
technique made it so easy. Using hypnosis gave me the willpower to eat
only when I need to and to make better food choices when I do eat. Because
I didn’t need to lose a lot of weight, I didn’t want to try any of those
radical weight loss programs or group meetings. This process was absolutely
painless and gives me a lifestyle and a frame of mind that I can easily live
with for the rest of my life.
Thank you,

-MH, Tallahassee

Cassandra, I visited you in September and October of 2014 to stop drinking. It’s obviously been awhile and I thought I’d give you an update: I’ve been completely sober for 15 months and have never felt better. I’ve lost 40 pounds to boot! Your therapy has been a wonderful success. Thank you.

WG – Tallahassee

I’ve struggled with eating problems for as long as I can remember. I’ve been on and off every diet possible. I’ve tried countless pills, shots, drinks…anything that I thought would give me the slightest bit of hope. Unfortunately, nothing worked for me. I’ve always felt that I was, or must be, “addicted” to food. I could never walk by food without eating; didn’t matter if I even liked it or not. I had this overwhelming “need” deep down inside me that I felt I had to eat it. Sometimes it would even provoke an anxiety attack if I attempted to resist. I was in a constant state of depression Things felt so lonely, low, and dark that I felt there was no help for me. When I reached my largest weight to the point I was killing myself, I had a gastric bypass. Yes, it helped me lose the weight but I was not able to keep it off. I’ve slowly stretched my stomach back out and have gained back 80 of the 160 pounds I lost. Needless to say, I spiraled deeper into depression; suffering with constant anxiety attacks. I turned to God and begged and pleaded for help. I researched the internet for help; coming across Tallahassee Hypnotherapy. At first, I was very skeptical and afraid but I was at a point in my life where I felt that this was my last option. I didn’t want to fall any further into depression. I thank God every day for sending Cassandra my way. I’m not sure where I’d be without her help. I am no longer addicted or compelled to overeat. I have even started exercising which I was never able to motivate myself to do. I’m healed and I’m on my way to weight loss for life. I’m able to enjoy life with my husband and kids. Thank you Cassandra

AP- Tallahassee, FL

For years I lived with horrible anxiety. I could barely leave my house and I had to start homeschooling. I would become horribly nauseous, get fevers, and get covered in red patches. I was unsure of what caused this horrible anxiety. I tried every therapy and medication possible. I finally tried hypnotherapy and I haven’t had anxiety since I started. I’ve been able to travel around the U.S. on my own which wasn’t a possibility before. You have to really want the change to happen and you have to listen to your programming as much as possible. I did once a day. I was scared to try hypnotherapy, but there is nothing to be scared of. It’s just relaxing and listening to your programming. It’s been a few months since my final session and I’m still anxiety free. I make sure to listen to my programming at least once a month now to make sure I stay anxiety free. Hypnotherapy has definitely changed my life for the better and I would highly recommend it.

AC – Tallahassee, FL

When I came to Cassandra’s hypnotherapy practice, I was desperately seeking relief from some pretty heavy anxiety.  I had tried the more conventional routes – talk therapy, medication, etc…, but unfortunately, these methods did not help to relieve my symptoms at all.  I had successfully employed hypnotherapy as a young child to heal a specific issue, and I thought why not give it another try.  So, I made the call to Cassandra and I am so glad that I did.  The sessions that I had with Cassandra were so relaxing, uplifting, and informative.  She is definitely a true professional in every sense of the word, and I felt that she genuinely cared about my health and happiness.  Although my anxiety is not completely gone, it has dropped down to much more manageable levels.  I feel that with continued listening to the personalized hypnotherapy recordings that my anxiety will continue to decrease.  Through my work with Cassandra, I have gained hope again for all of the greatness that my future holds.

CK- Tallahassee, FL

I have had enormous results and reached my goal weight within a year. This is for me the most effective and safe way to lose weight and keep it off!

EB- Tallahassee, FL

I approached Cassandra searching for support and help with a very rare type of Autoimmune Disease which is only treatable with heavy doses of steroids and other immune suppressing drugs.  This was my third time with the illness and I needed an additional layer of support, one that looked at possible causes.  Through a series of sessions, I was able to get to a root cause of this illness and begin to heal tremendously through hypnotherapy sessions.   While there is no “known cure” to the illness, it is quite evident that hypnotherapy in conjunction with meditation was exactly what was needed to move me forward.   Additionally, my healing has been rapid compared to my previous “rounds” of this illness.  Hypnotherapy was the “missing piece” to my arsenal of healing tools.  I highly recommend Cassandra as she was extremely professional, supportive, caring and effective.  

– D.F., Tallahassee, FL

Cassandra has helped me tremendously. I had severe sleep and anxiety issues. I will say, while I am not completely over them, I am a lot better. I appreciate her incredible knowledge of the subconscious mind and how to make the changes that are necessary. I’m sleeping better than I have in 20 years.

Bill N. Tallahassee, FL

“DOWN 25 LBS. I feel great. Wearing a two-piece for the first time in four years! Coming back to see you for a maintenance cd when I get back in town. Call you soon!”

Kathy W.     Tallahassee, FL

Dear Cassandra, I wanted to let you know how great I’m doing. I’ve been listening to your cd’s and I feel like a totally different person. The anxiety is down so much, I’m happier and far more relaxed. I just can’t believe the difference. It seems that clearing and healing the childhood issues I had is changing my life. I feel more self confident and content. It’s really quite amazing. My husband can’t believe the difference he sees. I am sending him to you next!!! He wants to work on his eating habits. Thanks you again. God bless you.

M. B.     Jacksonville, FL

Hey there, just wanted to email you about my results. Since seeing you three months ago, I have lost 45 lbs. I can’t even believe it. My husband is shocked and so happy. I don’t even think about food anymore. BLESS YOU GIRL!

Cindy M.     Crawfordville, FL

Okay, So this is the best stuff ever. I can’t believe how much better I am sleeping. Stress is down to an all time low. I am listening to your cd every night and I can’t thank you enough!! Wish I had done this years ago. You are a life saver Cassandra!!!

L.H.    Tallahassee, FL

Down another 5! Can’t believe this is so easy. Never lost weight like this before!

M.J. Crawfordville, FL

Cassandra, all I can say is “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” My daughter’s bed wetting problems are GONE. She has been listening to your cd since our session and the problem is GONE. She is feeling much more self-confident and I can tell she is so much happier with herself!. I wish we had known about you years ago. Again, thank you and bless you!

B.H. Tallahassee, FL

Today is my 4-month anniversary. I’m down 35 pounds (half-way to my goal) and three pants sizes! I’ve hit plateaus twice over the past 2 months, but even that didn’t faze me. And, honestly, it really has been painless. I still listen to my CDs four or five times a week. Although I still have a ways to go to achieve my target weight, I feel as though every day I’m accomplishing what I set out to do. On each step of this journey, I’ve felt healthier and so much more comfortable in my body. I walk with a lighter step and my head held higher. I can’t begin to express my gratitude to you, Cassandra. You have a true gift, and I wish you great success in all your ventures.

V.H. Tallahassee, FL

WOW, that’s all I can say. I think your mantra “Change Your Mind. Change Your Life” rings true so very much. I still wasn’t totally sure “I was doing it right” but after we talked when we finished the actual session you laid my concerns to rest.I have followed your directions and shifted what I eat and when and also listened to the CD’s every day. I can’t tell you how strange I find it that when I go to the grocery store I’m drawn to cantaloupe, asparagus, pineapple and carrots vs. cheetos, jelly beans, snack mix. I haven’t changed a thing and I’m not fighting eating what I want other than having one session with you.The subconscious mind really does give a lot more direction than I had realized and I find thinking“what just happened” off and on when different things cross my mind or I do something and then realize it’s a new choice. I’m following your advice and not getting on the scale but one time a week. When I weighed last week I had dropped 10 pounds in 15 days!

T.P – Tallahassee, FL

Facing high blood pressure, pre-diabetes and low kidney function, I decided to try hypnosis (on the advice of my doctor) to shed 100 plus pounds. I am thrilled after just 3 weeks to have already lost 13 lbs, but even more so happy that my sub-conscious mind  now controls what I eat and knows what is healthy for me to eat. I now have the tools to lose weight and to once again be healthy. I am positive that I will be looking great in a short time!

J.C. – Panama City. FL

“Cassandra was extremely professional and thorough, and I felt completely comfortable in her care. I have not been able to swallow pills my entire life and had given up all hope. With her help, I have now been able to improve tremendously and am swallowing pills without trouble. It truly is something I never thought I would be able to do! I am completely a believer in hypnotherapy now, but even more a believer in Cassandra specifically, and her healing ways! I cannot recommended her highly enough!”

NB- Tallahassee, FL

Hi Cassandra, I am so happy to report that I am down 3 dress sizes!! I went shopping yesterday and fit into a size 8. I haven’t worn an 8 since I was in college. Thank you . I am ready for summer this year, finally!

M.D. Crawfordville, FL


I have been trying to verbalize in the best way possible, my experience with Cassandra’s help. Maybe I have been trying for an Oscar, like many things I attempt, I get too detailed for what is needed. Remember sometimes when I am asked what time it is? I tend to tell you how to build a clock! Well here goes and hope it is not too late.

My experience, a first with hypnosis was a total success. I had a problem I had worked on in many ways over the years. I kept repeating negatively to various situations that every human has to face, and then, live with deep regret later. I know that “doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results” is crazy. Finally accepting a recommendation to try this technique. I dove into it head long to find peace with whatever was causing this problem for me. As a guy who is quite a skeptic, this was different for me. I already knew I had to be honest with Cassandra and myself. Just talking with her I had many aha moments that helped me see things. I can’t explain how hypnosis works for sure, I was not even sure I went under? With kind guidance and her methods I found some deep memories that had long lasting influence in my behavior. Some scary times may come out, but she knows how to deal with this so well that I pushed through. Only a surprising few sessions has given me a peace with my past. This has been a godsend in my relationship with my wife and others. In sharing this great thing I hope to help others find the peace of mind I found. I could go on and on how much it helped, but it would sound like an infomercial. I call her a doctor, Cassandra says she is not!

D.G. Tallahassee, FL

Cassandra was very caring and professional.  After spending time talking with me, she seemed to be able to put her finger on the root of some of the problems that concern me.  The hypnosis session was very relaxing and beneficial.  She followed up the next day by sending me an MP3 file which enabled me to begin practicing self hypnosis at home.  This was followed by her mailing a CD as well.  She willingly made some minor adjustments to the file and CD to tailor it to my preference.  I have been using it almost daily since the appointment, and find it very relaxing and helpful. 

E.F. – Tallahassee, FL

“Wow, that was great. I feel wonderful! Can I come everyday?”  

D.W. – Tallahassee, FL

“This has been the most enlightening experience. Cassandra helped me realize why I use food to satisfy my needs. I am now in control of my eating pattern.

Sherry K.- Tallahassee, FL

“I listen to the recordings every day and as of Sunday have lost 8 lbs. …….slow but steady and I’m not having the urge to eat everything…”

T.A.  Tallahassee, FL

“Thank you for your work with my daughter. After her session she already appeared more relaxed and at peace. She said she felt less anxious. As a mother, just knowing she is healing from her traumatic experience is priceless.   

A.C. – Tallahassee, FL

“Doing great! No smoking at all!!!” – B.N. Tallahassee, FL

“I’ve been listening to the cd you made me and I can really feel the power of it. I am feeling better and better everyday! “   D.W. – Crawfordville, FL

I just want to thank you again for helping me. I feel such a change in my outlook, my perception of events, and I feel empowered. I cannot ever thank you enough for being there at the exact time that I was ready to deal with my weight and the reasons behind the problem. My Mom has already mentioned that I appear thinner! Thank you, Cassandra! You Rock! S.K. – Tallahassee, FL

“I feel so much better since our session. The words you said really have stuck with me!    S.H. – Tallahassee, FL

“Very relaxing. Looking forward to seeing a new me!” D.S. Crawfordville, FL

“SO FAR SO GOOD! NO SMOKING!”  – D.D. Crawfordville, Fl

Thank you for your help with my weight loss! I am feeling much better- I never thought I would be able to turn my back on carbs in favor of veggies but you have helped me overcome that. My husband loves the “old me” coming back… as in the (old size 6 me rather than the new size 12 me) THANK YOU! You are amazing.A. J. – Tallahassee. FL


I do not always have great regressions because I often hit that black wall of nothingness. However when Cassandra led me through a natal regression, she was very patient and worked though my block. She tried several techniques and her gentleness gave me the permission I needed to relax and allow the memory to come. I think Cassandra’s background in counseling and her extensive hypnotherapy training offer a wonderful foundation but her openness to the process and her professional perseverence was instrumental in helping me have such a profound experience.

Cheryl P. – Gainesville, FL

Cassandra, thank you for helping me feel better about the problems I had with my ex boyfriend. I know you can’t solve the problem itself but after even one session with you I felt more comfortable with the situation and I didnt feel like everyone knew about my personal business. That was really bothering me and the session really helped me accept myself. I’m really glad I came to see you and you are great. Thanks again.  T.C. – Tallahassee, FL

I had a wonderful experience at Tallahassee Hypnotherapy. After my sessions for hypnosis for childbirth. I am positive that I will have a wonderful birthing experience that will be pain-free without the use of medical interventions. I am also positive that my baby will be born in a very calm, peaceful and stress-free environment and that my childbirth experience will go exactly as I plan. I will definitely be sharing my experience with others in hopes that they will open their minds and allow hypnotists to help them in any way they can. M. B. – Monticello, FL

I’ve lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks and I don’t even know how I did it! I just don’t eat as much. Overeating is just not an issue anymore!!! I really can’t believe hypnosis works like this but it does! I am so excited! J. Barnes. – Tallahassee, FL

Wow! The things Cassandra did in our session were incredible! She helped me change my life in ways I can’t begin to describe. Not only did she solve my “little problem”, she started me on a path to success compounded on success. I don’t care what your challenge is, she is the person to go to for any kind of positive change!  Jeff B – Ocala, FL

After a session with Cassandra many of my feelings from a past childhood experience that were causing me pain disappeared. I am so happy to have resolved this after only one session! Her caring manner helped me feel comfortable with the process! Kristin P. – Tallahassee, FL

“I am so grateful that I heard about Tallahassee Hypnotherapy. Though I have only had three sessions, I love my cd and listen to it each day. It has really helped with the eating but more so it is helping to work through my suppressed fears. Cassandra is a very caring, involved therapist and truly wants to help.”

T.A. Tallahassee, FL

Hi Cassandra, I just wanted to let you know that I feel like I did great on my GRE.’s. I was totally prepared having rehearsed taking the test so many times. I was able to stay relaxed and focused throughout the entire test. I didn’t even get tired. I’ll let you know when my scores come in but I feel like I did awesome. Hypnosis is incredible. I wish I had known about it years ago! Thanks!

Brandon H., Valdosta, GA